Mindful morning routines - free Frolo workshop!

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Join us on 17th March for a workshop with holistic life coach Alice Attlee-Grant.

If telling you, an overstretched single parent, to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine feels like the modern-day equivalent of Marie-Antoinette’s famous “let them eat cake” quote, I want you to join my workshop with Frolo on 17th March, 8-9pm

I get it: you’re rushing through the morning with a list of jobs already running through your head. You’re locating a lost shoe while you placate a needy boss via email, while trying to get your child to eat their breakfast (you can forget about having time to eat yours). If somebody (me) told you that you should be incorporating mindfulness practices into this scene, you would probably want to rip my head off. And that would be fair enough –

But what if I told you that you could incorporate mindfulness techniques into this scene without making any changes at all to your morning routine? That you could significantly alter your sense of wellbeing, productivity, and ability to self-regulate and make good decisions in ten seconds of mindfulness, and that you could practice these moments of mindfulness in and amongst the rush of your morning routine?

When we picture mindfulness, most of us picture a person sitting alone in a serene location, in silence and stillness, in a calm and contemplative state, for a long period of time. This is pretty much as far away from the battle to get everyone out of the door (and where is that shoe???) that most parents experience every day, especially single parents. But mindfulness isn’t defined by how serene your surroundings are: mindfulness, simply put, is an ability to be present to what is going on in your immediate surroundings, as those events are unfolding, in real time. 

Achieving this state doesn’t mean attending a gong bath, or a silent retreat (though these are great too). It means gaining an awareness of how brief periods – as little as ten seconds – of acute awareness of the present moment can change your morning, your day, and ultimately, your life.

In this workshop, completely free to Frolo community members, we will discuss:

  • How to fit mindfulness practices into your existing routine with very little effort, and no additional time needed
  • Why working with these habits helps to take the mind out of negative / autopilot mode, and enables you to inhabit a more present, positive mindset
  • How these practices sets you up for a day of behaving more rationally, making decisions and taking action from a more regulated place

I want you to join me for this workshop because I have experienced for myself how genuinely life-changing making these small shifts in our habits of mind can be – and because the scientific evidence of how engaging in these practices can make lasting positive impacts on our mental wellbeing is clear. 

No matter how busy your mornings are, I am confident that, stepping out of this workshop, you will have a realistic, instantly actionable plan for incorporating mindfulness into your morning without adding any extra time into your routine. So you can start creating a more positive, present mindset – for you, for your work, and for your children. 

I’ll see you there!