20 Frolo Questions: Zoë Desmond, Frolo App Founder

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Zoë is the founder of Frolo and a single parent herself. She shares how much Frolo means to her and her son.

  1. How long have you been a frolo?

Since summer 2017 – when my relationship with my son’s dad broke down just after he turned 1.

  1. Tell us a bit about your frolo family.

It’s me and my boy Billy, who is now almost 4. When I first became a single parent I felt like our family unit was broken, but I feel differently now. I feel happy and at home in my little family of two.

  1. How do you manage a work-life balance as a single parent?

It can definitely feel like a juggle so I have to fit it all in where I can. I co-parent with Billy’s dad which means I can play catch up with work during the weekends he is with his dad if I need to (which I often do!). But I also make sure to prioritise getting some downtime in and seeing my friends (and frolo pals!) regularly.

  1. What do you like to do when you have time away from Billy?

I love meeting up with my other frolo friends (when we are off-duty) as many of them also know what it’s like to co parent and how much of a contrast the weekends can feel like. It always helps being around people who can relate to it all. I also like catching up on things that I wouldn’t get to do when I am with Billy – like a little trip away, a night out, or sometimes doing absolutely nothing except hibernating and recharging my batteries!

  1. What do you like about the Frolo community?

I might be slightly biased but I love everything about the Frolo community. I have so much gratitude for Frolo – the support I feel and the connections I have made through the community have changed my life (and Billy’s) in a profound way.

  1. Describe parenthood in three words.

Beautiful,  challenging, life-changing

  1. What advice would you give your younger self?

Don’t give up the piano!

  1. Best parenting advice you’ve ever received?

To trust my own maternal instincts.

  1. Who or what is your greatest love?


  1. Where is your happy place?

Being snuggled up with Billy.

  1. Is there a book you’d like to recommend to other frolos? A podcast?

For the book, I’d recommend The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Podcast-wise, it’s not really Frolo-related, but I love The Tim Ferris Snow Podcast.

  1. What is your motto for life?

Life is not a dress rehearsal .

  1. What is your greatest achievement?

I have two that I am really proud of: 1. Billy and 2. Frolo  

  1. Any regrets?

I have made tons of mistakes and questionable decisions in my life – but all of them have led me to where I am today, which I feel is absolutely where I am meant to be. So no regrets.

  1. Biggest life lesson?

To trust my gut

  1. Last time you laughed hard?

I can’t pinpoint exactly what it was – I find Billy hilarious so he’s always giving me reasons to laugh. Other than that I am lucky to have some very funny and fun to be around friends. I’m grateful that laughing happens regularly these days.

  1. Last time you cried?

Watching the frolo testimonials on the Frolo Crowdfunding video (coming soon)! I bawled.

  1. What song would you add to the Frolo playlist?

Follow the Sun – Xavier Rudd

  1. What advice would you give to someone just starting out on their single parent journey?

If you are overwhelmed right now please know that it will get better and easier!

Sign up to the Frolo app to make some frolo friends in your area and use the Feed to seek any guidance, support or tips you need. Having a community of other frolos to connect with and call on will make the world of difference for you.

  1. What have you learned about yourself through being a single parent?

That I am stronger and more capable than I ever knew.

Thanks for answering our 20 Frolo Questions, Zoë!

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